Lesson 2: The Hot Knife

Lesson 2: The Hot Knife

This Lesson Requires Hot Knife, Stencil Material, a Marker and a Piece of Float Glass

This is the hot knife I use: https://tinyurl.com/49mn3ysb

I like this knife because it comes with an interesting assortment of tips, and has a dial for controlling the temperature of the blade.

Float Glass

Use a piece of float glass for a surface to cut on. It's smoother than our Bullseye glass and will give you more control over the knife.

Mylar Stencil Material

There are plenty to choose from but II like this particular plastic sheet:

This is a sturdy 12"x12" sheet, about 10ml, and the thickness allows for a heavy application of powder if needed.

Larger Mylar Stencil Material

These sheets are 12" x 24" for larger projects.


Wooden Skewers

Glue these skewers down around the perimeter of your larger stencils to stabilize them and prevent them from collapsing on themselves.


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